Enabling a
Sustainable future
We are at the centerstage of a sustainable development. Most of LWW Group’s customers work either directly or closely related towards sustainability within renewable energy, electromobility or power distribution. Making sure to serve our customers with innovative and highest quality winding wire is our contribution to a sustainable future.
LWW Group is a family owned company that comprises the three business unit Dahréntråd (Sweden), Isodraht (Germany) and LWW Slaska (Poland). All of them renowned brand and well reputed manufacturers globally as well as locally.
Substantial manufacturing resources, experience and know-how make LWW Group a leading supplier of winding wire and a strong partner to the industry.

LWW Group offers a wide portfolio of winding wire of copper/aluminium, round/rectangular, enamelled/covered for electric motors, transformers and generators. All business units are certified according to ISO14001 and IATF16949.